Thursday, September 17, 2009

Talked to Angie today. It was wonderful to hear her voice. She sounds wonderful! She said it finally stopped raining, it is not that cold - YET! She is enjoying being back and has now fully unpacked - yey! The food is good. Her new chore is cleaning the sanctuary. She is, once again, going to be involved in Kid's Club. Their first outing/visit is tomorrow - she is excited! This year, most of her classes will require speaking in front of the class. As, most of you know, she is very shy and was really praying about this. She wanted to have boldness and not panic. Well, she had her first time of speaking in front of the class - they were supposed to share about their hobby (she laughed about this because she says, "well this will be a short one cause I don't have a hobby"). Anyhow, she spoke and it went really well. The next subject she will be speaking on is her favorite Bible character - she is actually excited about this one. Once again, she asked about everyone; she wanted to know how everyone is doing and their prayer needs. She said to tell everyone that she loves and misses them.

1 comment:

Laura said...

I'm glad it's all going to well! She's really on the ball...I already owe her a response letter! I'll be praying about those speaking assignments.