Monday, September 7, 2009

Call from Pennsylvania

Angie called...she sound really good. She is excited about being there and ready for another year. Their classes started Thursday. In fact, we had people over and she wondered why they were here on a Monday. I told her it was Labor Day. All she said was, "O, it was a school day here. We don't have holidays." I didn't get too many details, but she is well and excited about what the LORD is going to do this year. She says that she feels such peace and joy; she is glad that she went ahead and went instead of following her flesh and staying home. She says her flight was smooth and she didn't get sick (thank you all for your prayers). Another girl from New York told her that she reads her blog. We joked about Angie getting famous like Julie from the movie Julie and Julia (we had gone to see this moving while Angie was home - we both enjoyed it). She sends her love to all and continues to ask for your prayers. O, by the way, she is finally fully unpacked - yey!

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