Friday, September 4, 2009

News from Pennsylvania - Yey!

(Today I received a note from Angie. I hadn't heard from her, but God kept telling me to trust HIM, however, this note brought me to tears.)

Hi Mom ~ I am just writing you to tell you Hi, and to also let you know I am back to my second home. I haven't finished unpacking yet and it's Tuesday. I am so exhausted and tired but it is good to be here. Helping out all the first years as much as I can. The funny thing is that I met a girl from New Mexico and she recognized me because both her and her mom read my blog for Mt. Zion, isn't that crazy?! I'm famous :)! Any ways I just wanted to say Hi. Love you and miss you. By the way aren't these cards soooo cute :)!?

(side note on the cards - she got these cards while she was here, and I told her, "when you are back at school, I would love to get one of those cards from you - he!he!". Tell me they are beautiful? :D)

(My note: It was so good to here news from Angie!)

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