Thursday, March 4, 2010


Mt. Zion is a buzz with excitement. All the second year students have found out where they will be going for their six month internship at the beginning of their third year.

Angie called me and I could tell something special was going on. She had told me not to ask her anymore, so I was dying to ask her, but was respecting her request. She finally said, "Well, aren't you going to ask me if I know where I am going for my internship?" I said, "You told me not to ask." "I did???" She then proceeded to tell me where...


PENNSYLVANIA!!!!! --- she will be staying on at the school to fulfill her internship there. At first, she had been disappointed that God did not send her to Colombia or Guatemala. However, she soon realized that, that was not God's plan and that God had another plan for her. She is full of excitement and relived to finally know. I am excited for her...I would be either way, though.

Today I also found out that there is a group on Facebook for those moms who have kids at Mt. Zion, past, present and future. So if you read this Blog and are are interested in joining, go to FB and look up Mt. Zion Moms.


Tiffany said...

Oh WOW!! So does that mean she will be at Mount Zion this year for her intership or somewhere else in PA? I already feel like I have a friend up there :) And thank You for the encouragement! I really needed that yesterday :) God Bless :)

Leti said...

Tiffany, Angie will be on campus. So, yes, you will get to meet her and you, absolutely have a friend in her. How exciting!!!

Be encouraged Tiffany - you serve a MIGHTY GOD who loves you so much.

Ms. Leti

Tiffany said...

Oh wow that is so awesome :) I am so excited! Even though it is a long way from home..but I know Jesus will be with me :) Thanks again :)