Saturday, September 19, 2009

Got a call from Angie today. She sounded so joyful and excited. Yesterday they had their first visit to the Kid’s Club (a group of students from Mt. Zion get to go to this school and spend time with the kids). Yesterday they mainly got to play and talk with the kids; in subsequent visits they put together skits. She was so excited and actually surprised that their overseer picked her to be a leader of a group. She said that when she first heard her name she didn’t respond. Then her name was called again and then she realized it was her name they were calling. She mentioned that her prayer for this year has been for – boldness, diligence, discipline – she wants people to see Jesus in her and through her (what a blessing for me to hear this, thank you Jesus). She says that some of the students from last year have told her that they notice a difference in her (the LORD did a great work in her while she was here during the summer – praise God!). We laughed and enjoyed our conversation. Once again she sends her love to all and thanks you all for your continual prayers.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Talked to Angie today. It was wonderful to hear her voice. She sounds wonderful! She said it finally stopped raining, it is not that cold - YET! She is enjoying being back and has now fully unpacked - yey! The food is good. Her new chore is cleaning the sanctuary. She is, once again, going to be involved in Kid's Club. Their first outing/visit is tomorrow - she is excited! This year, most of her classes will require speaking in front of the class. As, most of you know, she is very shy and was really praying about this. She wanted to have boldness and not panic. Well, she had her first time of speaking in front of the class - they were supposed to share about their hobby (she laughed about this because she says, "well this will be a short one cause I don't have a hobby"). Anyhow, she spoke and it went really well. The next subject she will be speaking on is her favorite Bible character - she is actually excited about this one. Once again, she asked about everyone; she wanted to know how everyone is doing and their prayer needs. She said to tell everyone that she loves and misses them.

Monday, September 7, 2009

Call from Pennsylvania

Angie called...she sound really good. She is excited about being there and ready for another year. Their classes started Thursday. In fact, we had people over and she wondered why they were here on a Monday. I told her it was Labor Day. All she said was, "O, it was a school day here. We don't have holidays." I didn't get too many details, but she is well and excited about what the LORD is going to do this year. She says that she feels such peace and joy; she is glad that she went ahead and went instead of following her flesh and staying home. She says her flight was smooth and she didn't get sick (thank you all for your prayers). Another girl from New York told her that she reads her blog. We joked about Angie getting famous like Julie from the movie Julie and Julia (we had gone to see this moving while Angie was home - we both enjoyed it). She sends her love to all and continues to ask for your prayers. O, by the way, she is finally fully unpacked - yey!

Friday, September 4, 2009

News from Pennsylvania - Yey!

(Today I received a note from Angie. I hadn't heard from her, but God kept telling me to trust HIM, however, this note brought me to tears.)

Hi Mom ~ I am just writing you to tell you Hi, and to also let you know I am back to my second home. I haven't finished unpacking yet and it's Tuesday. I am so exhausted and tired but it is good to be here. Helping out all the first years as much as I can. The funny thing is that I met a girl from New Mexico and she recognized me because both her and her mom read my blog for Mt. Zion, isn't that crazy?! I'm famous :)! Any ways I just wanted to say Hi. Love you and miss you. By the way aren't these cards soooo cute :)!?

(side note on the cards - she got these cards while she was here, and I told her, "when you are back at school, I would love to get one of those cards from you - he!he!". Tell me they are beautiful? :D)

(My note: It was so good to here news from Angie!)