Saturday, December 20, 2008

Home for Christmas

Angie is home for Christmas...thank you Jesus! She was beat when she arrived at 2:06am this morning, instead of 11:06 - 3 hour delay. But from the stories that we were hearing it could have been worse. Thank you all for your prayers for her flight - it went really well.

For the time that she is here with us I will not be writing on this blog. I will post once she is in Mt. Zion again. Thank you all for following. Thank you for your prayers that have made this first semester possible - to God be the glory!

Monday, December 15, 2008

Prayer Request

So the week begins for Angie with all the finals and the papers that are due. This morning she had a play that a group of the students put together for their Children's Evangelism Class - they are to put a play/skit together as if they would be sharing it with children. She asked for prayer for so much "stuff" she has to memorize, starting with this play and for Thursday she has to memorize, I believe she said twenty Scriptures - just pray for her mind to retain and memorize tons of information, and of course to be able to recall the information to take the tests. Also, pray for favorable weather when all the students will be traveling and for safety in their trips home...thank you.

Counting the days...I mentioned to Angie, "Hey, Angie next week you will be home." She responded, "No, Mom, I will be home in five days." - so who is counting days:)

Tuesday, December 9, 2008


Angie is doing well, she is counting the days until she gets to come home. It has been really cold over in Pennsylvania, she has actually seen it snow a couple of time - she really likes it. You can hear in her voice the exhaustion of these last few month - there is truly something to be said for furloughs. Next week will be semester finals...she is dreading next week. On one hand she is counting the days to come home, but on the other hand she knows that before the homecoming there is finals. Please pray for clarity of mind and that the LORD bring to remembrance all the material that has been poured into her mind.

Monday, December 1, 2008

Thanksgiving for Angie

Tuesday (11/25) – The whole school had a wonderful traditional thanksgiving meal with all the fixings. Afterward they had a wonderful time of fellowship and playing board games.

Wednesday (11/26) – everyone that was leaving the campus has left and it is pretty lonely around Mt. Zion. Those left behind also got pretty homesick. In the afternoon those left behind had a baking party. Angie said it was pretty fun.

Thursday (11/27) – Angie called while we were all cooking and she got to speak with several members of the family. We got to talk to her for 1 HOUR – yeah! She did get chocked up, but decided to not focus on the fact that she wasn’t here, but that she will be coming home soon. In the evening the students got to go to a staff member’s home to spend Thanksgiving with them and they got to eat all that they had baked the day before…yummy!

Friday (11/28) – Shopping!!! (Well, actually, window shopping:)

Saturday (11/29) – got to speak with Angie for an hour, AGAIN!!! She had bought herself a mug and some hot-cocoa-packets and would be enjoying a mug of hot cocoa – yummy!!! She said she was actually enjoying having this down time and having her room to herself – he! he!

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Call from Pennsylvania

I talked to Angie today...she sounds better. Seems like whatever was going around is finally gone around and now is on the way out - thank you for your prayers. She was getting a little sentimental with some of the students getting ready to go home to spend thanksgiving with their families. It finally hit her that this will be her first Thanksgiving away from home and away from us. But finally she decided not to dwell on that but to think about coming home for Christmas. Today the school had a special traditional thanksgiving dinner for everyone because tomorrow students start leaving for home. She said the food had all the fixings, but wasn't like home...but it was still yummy! She said that the staff has some fun activities for those who are staying on campus and that she will get to spend Thanksgiving day with one of the staff families. She will also get to use the phone more and longer for the break - yeah!

Monday, November 17, 2008

Under the Weather

I spoke to Angie and she did not sound good - she is losing her voice. She says that the weather has been really cold and raining. I guess the flu is going around pretty bad...please pray for her and the other students. This week she has tons of work and projects that are due - stress out time! Now you add the fact that she is not feeling well and well you can imagine. All she wants is to sleep, but there is no time for that. She told me everything that is due beginning today - I was overwhelmed simply hearing her. Please pray for her and the other students that the cold/flu not get them real bad. THANK YOU!

Saturday, November 15, 2008

From Angie

(Angie sent me this note. She said that they received it from one of their classes and she wanted me to post it on her blog so that God may encourage someone that needs it…so be encouraged.)

The Bell – I KNOW WHO I AM

I am God’s child (John 1:12)

I am Christ’s friend (John 15:15)

I am united with the Lord (I Corinthians 6:17)

I am bought with a price (1 Corinthians 6:19-20)

I am a saint - set apart for God (Ephesians 1:1)

I am a personal witness of Christ (Acts 1:8)

I am the salt and light of the earth (Matthew 5:13-14)

I am a member of the Body of Christ (1 Corinthians 12:27)

I am free forever from condemnation (Romans 8:1-2)

I am a citizen of heaven. I am significant (Philippians 3:20)

I am free from any charge against me (Romans 8:31-34)

I am a minister of reconciliation for God (2 Corinthians 5:17-21)

I have access to God through the Holy Spirit (Ephesians 2:18)

I am seated with Christ in the heavenly realms (Ephesians 2:6)

I can not be separated from the love of God (Romans 8:35-39)

I am established, anointed, sealed by God (2 Corinthians 1:21-22)

I am assured all things work together for good (Romans 8:28)

I have been chosen and appointed to bear fruit (John 15:16)

I may approach God with freedom and confidence (Ephesians 3:12)

I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me (Philippians 4:13)

I am the branch of the True Vine, a channel of His life (John 15:1-5)

I am God’s temple (1 Corinthians 3:16)

I am complete in Christ (Colossians 2:10)

I am hidden with Christ in God (Colossians 3:3)

I have been justified (Romans 5:1)

I am God’s co-worker (1 Corinthians 3:9; 2 Corinthians 6:1)

I am God’s workmanship (Ephesians 2:10)

I am confident that the good work God has begun in me will be perfected (Philippians 1:6)

I have been redeemed and forgiven (Colossians 1:14)

I have been adopted as God’s child (Ephesians 1:5)

I BELONG TO GOD! Do you know who you are?

We as Christians need to stand upon the position that we have in Christ and not let Satan, our enemy, reign over us. Because we already have the victory and we just need to stand upon all of His precious promises that He has given to us, and that is how we could rebuke the enemy plus we have the authority to do so in Jesus Christ – Amen! I praise the LORD for that! So just remember that you are God’s child and He won’t let anyone snatch you out of His hand! Praise the LORD for that! Know who you are in Christ and you will have the victory!

Be encouraged,

Friday, November 7, 2008


Spoke with Angie yesterday, she's doing good. She is soooooo excited that she gets to come home for Christmas, she says she can't wait to see everyone! Today they will be going to the school they normally go help at and do a skit for the kids. Pray that they all remember their lines and not get nervous. They are all looking forward to the opportunity to minister to the kids through this skit.

Monday, October 27, 2008

Off to New York

Angie called and she is doing better. She still has some tightness and discomfort, but is doing okay. She sounds tired. She says she can use a break right about now. She asked for prayer for tomorrow is the big day - they go to New York to Time Square Church.

UPDATE: Angie called (I'm glad she called because I had seen that there was a severe weather warning for the East - especially around were she is at). ---She called with a joy and excitement that was contagious. She said their trip to New York was interesting because of the weather. She enjoyed seeing the snow falling and rain and wind...she said it was "crazy". Once they arrived at the church they practiced, practiced, practiced. She was nervous, but the excitement took over. She says, God answered all their prayers and HE was truly glorified. She feels refreshed and with her purpose renewed. She says that as she was on the stage looking around then singing, she could not believe that "she, an ordinary person" would be there and singing for the LORD - "it was amazing Mom! I still can't believe it. God is amazing, I love Him so much." She said that they got back to the school at about 1:30 a.m., they didn't get much sleep but were on a spiritual high. Thank you to all that prayed for this trip and all that it God be the glory!

Monday, October 20, 2008

Prayer Request

PLEASE PRAY - Early this morning I got a call from Angie. She has been having chest pains for a while, but now she is having lots of pressure on her chest and is having difficulty breathing. They will be taking her to the Doctor - PRAY...thank you.

UPDATE: We just got a call from Angie. She is doing better. Doctor says she probably has a strained muscle. All her vitals, etc. are normal and she is doing better. Keep praying...thank you!

Saturday, October 18, 2008


Today I received PICTURES!!!

This one is of the her whole class. They went to eat fried chicken and afterward they got to have ice cream. Angie says it was yummy!!!

This picture is from the school they go to on Fridays. The little guy is the one she spoke about before and the little girl is his sister...she asks that we keep praying for them, specially him.
I also got to speak with her via telephone. She thanks everyone for their prayers and says she is glad mid-terms are over. They had a chance to rest and recoup - thank you Jesus! They continuing to get ready for their big day at Time Square Church, which by the way has been changed to October 28th. She read to me some lyrics of a song which were so deep and reverent (I wish I could hear them singing it). She is excited and feels much better. Again, thank you all who prayed for her during this intense time; continue to pray her to come home in Christmas and whatever else the LORD leads you to pray for her.

Monday, October 13, 2008


This week is mid-terms at Mt. Zion. Please keep Angie in prayer. I spoke with her yesterday and she sounds better and she hasn't been running a fever either - THANK YOU FOR YOUR PRAYERS! They are all getting ready to have mid-terms this week, and as many of you know, Angie simply doesn't do well with testing. But we are all confident that God will come through for her and through her, as He has done before.

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Prayer Request

I spoke to Angie yesterday. She sounded tired. She asked for prayer - that she may continue to have the endurance that only God can give; that she retain all the material being taught to her in order to put forth all the things that are now coming due and that she be able to turn in all papers on time; for mid-terms which are around the corner; that she stay healthy (she has been running a fever for two days).

She knows that God will sustain her and that He did not bring her to Mt. Zion only to let her down. She simply is asking that her church family continue to lift her up in prayer.

Thank you.

Friday, October 3, 2008

Angie called today - yeah!!!

She said that she has had a very difficult, emotional week. She felt busy and rushed until today that the school had a day of fasting and prayer and there was breakthrough. She sounded tired, yet was very excited. They had just returned from school they help at. She said that she had been praying for that little guy (the 5 year old boy) all week. She was asking the LORD for a smile from him and she says that this little guy gave her the biggest smile in the world! Made her day; actually made her week. Tomorrow they get to go shopping - yeah, she says she needs some stuff. It has been cold and raining; her back has been hurting - pray for her.

Thursday, October 2, 2008


Angie sends her hellos. She continues to ask for prayer for God's provision so that she can come home for the Christmas Break. They (a group of young men and women) finally got to go to the school that they will be helping at on Fridays. It has been raining and that's why they haven't been able to go, but this last Friday they actually got to go. They enjoyed their time with the kids - she said she was actually looking forward to being around little one (Angie has such a heart for kids). She thought a lot about the little ones back home and wondered if they will remember her when she comes back. Anyhow, they had a great time with the kids. She says a little 5 year old boy simply stole her heart. He is kind of a solitary kid, so she will be praying for him. She says to pray that he would be softened and that he would open up to her and the others (there's a lot going on with him; kind of sad when you think he is only 5 years old).

She just loves, loves, loves choir. Their choir actually gets to be part of a bigger choir Time Square Church in New York in November - they are preparing for this. She is besides her self with the anticipation.

She sounds great.

Sunday, September 21, 2008


(I’ve had problems with my internet, so I’m a little late with this one.)

Letter received on Thursday – Angie sends her love and hellos. She has been busy, busy, busy. No time for idle thoughts or anything else. There is no down time. She has bathroom and kitchen duties. She absolutely loves being in the choir. She has lots and lots of questions about home, family, friends and church. She wants to hear what everybody is up to (I sense writing cramps already – but it’s good:)

Today/phone call – she said that service was “incredible”! They had one challenging song, that they kept practicing and it just wasn’t coming out. They kept practicing and today they showed up early for service to keep on practicing. She says she felt like she was losing her voice. She says, “Mom, we knew we were supposed to sing it, but it just wasn’t coming out. But then in service, o Mom, it was glorious! God came through and the worship was all to His glory.” She is being challenged by her classes. She said that they are “very deep”, and challenging, but very good – she is really enjoying them. Her child-evangelism is challenging her and pumping her up. She said the Proverbs Class is very heart-searching. The whole school had a time of fasting and prayer for our nation on Friday (love this; for such a time as this!). Angie said that there is a Joy and Peace in her heart that is overwhelming and incredible…she loves it!

Keep praying. She loves you all and asks that you pray for her to be able to come on her Christmas Break.

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Phone Call

Got to talk to Angie on the phone – yeah! Thank you Jesus!!!

She, of course, sends her love to all. She misses everyone. She misses home, but is not homesick. They are extremely busy and there is no down time to be idle or time to think. However, when she does have some down time she wishes she could just call someone to hear a familiar voice, but the phone log is always taken at the “good times” or times she has available.

She is in the choir!!! She was so happy because today was their first time on stage at Sunday Service. She says, “Oh, Mom it was awesome!” She says worship is sweet and o so anointed.

She asked about everyone here, and church and so on. She is going to start “working” with kids every Friday. They were supposed to start this past Friday, but were hit with an incredible amount of rain due to the Hurricane (everyone is okay). They just got the rain and the wind.

She is getting used to the idea of writing letters, she says the hardest part is sending a letter out and having to “wait” for the response. But she enjoys every letter she gets.

Again, she sends her love, keep her in prayer, and write to her, if you can.

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Letter from Pennsylvania

We finally heard from Pennsylvania - thank you Jesus!

Angie sends her love to all family and friends. She says she misses everyone TONS!!! She says she is "loving Jesus with all my heart, soul, mind and strength." She says that at times all the stuff she is learning can be overwhelming, but also good. The verse that has become her prayer is Philippians 3:10 - That I may know Him, and the power of His resurrection, and the fellowship of His sufferings, being made conformable unto His death;

She loves worship, how they all come together and worship the LORD in spirit and in truth and in unity..."these students aren't ashamed to worship God..." "...this right here in Mount Zion is all about Jesus!"..."I love it!!!"

So there you have it. My hubby and I loved hearing from Angie, but we are so incredibly thankful to Our Lord for what He is doing in her as she has heeded His Call.

Thank you all for your continual prayers.

Wednesday, August 27, 2008


Angie said to say hello to everyone, to keep praying and that she loves you all very much, and if you can to please write to her.

Mt. Zion School of Ministry

We finally arrived at Mt. Zion School of Ministry. The road there was incredible. When we beheld the sight of this wonderful oasis, it was wonderful. We arrived only to be greeted by an entourage of beautiful young men and women willing to help in any way shape and form. The young men helped with the luggage, while the girls showed Angie to her room and the surrounding areas. It all was too much to absorb, but I could tell that Angie felt really comfortable with all these wonderful young men and women.

They left us alone to get Angie settle in her room. Angie met her roommate, Alyssa. Once we got all things settled we spent some time in prayer. Then off to see the wonderful grounds – amazing!

The school provided a BBQ for the parents and students. When we got our meal we weren’t sure where to sit and one of the young ladies flagged us down and asked us to join their table. Everyone goes out of their way to make you feel welcomed and there is no one that either sits alone or is left alone. They all extend a helping, welcoming hand.

The table we sat at had one girl from Ireland, another from Wisconsin, another from Washington, another from New York and Angie from California – yes, the gathering of the nations. We were told that the only California student was Angie. The have young people from all over the world.

Later we were invited to a parent/student orientation. Angie commented, “I hope they have worship at this.” And worship we had. The Spirit of the Living LORD was in that place. Angie worshipped with all her might. I was overwhelmed to hear young men and women belting out their voices to the Most High God. To my left there were the young men with incredible voices. To my right the ladies were incredible, too. My heart rejoiced at the fact of seeing and hearing young men and women worship their King in Spirit and in Truth. Needless to say this was a wonderful time.

We were off to a time of fellowship and dessert. As we stood in line to go into the fellowship area, Angie said to me, “Look Mom a rainbow.” Sure enough there was a beautiful rainbow in the horizon. Unexplainable to me because it has not been raining and in fact it was sunny with a few clouds – yes, it is so God.

Once again, everyone made you feel welcomed. There was not a moment that people weren’t introducing themselves to Angie and offering to help her and be there for her. One thing I did notice in the midst of all this was that the young men always stayed and attended to the new young men. And the young ladies always stayed and attended to the new young ladies. Even in the midst of a group setting, they all seemed to be very mindful and cautious.

The moment came when we had to leave. We walked out and started walking toward her room. That is when we seen the night sky which simply seemed to say “I AM”. HE IS, that is all we needed to know. All three of us walked quietly toward Angie’s room. I finally said, “Angie we have to go know. Where do you want us to leave you?” At that she fell into my arms and began sob profusely. We just held, I silently prayed for strength and courage to walk away and for my baby to have the courage to stay behind. My hubby simply turned around and watched the sky only to turn to us and held us both together. We held for what seemed an eternity, but we had to say goodbye. Finally, Angie said, “Mom, did I do the right thing? Is this what I’m supposed to be doing?” God gave me the grace to reassure her and gave my hubby wise words to say to her. We all walked to her house and then my hubby and I watched her walk away from us and into God’s protective and loving care.

He that dwelleth in the secret place of the most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty. I will say of the LORD, He is my refuge and my fortress: my God; in Him will I trust. (Psalm 91:1-2)

Monday, August 25, 2008

Harrisburg, Pennsylvania

We arrived at Harrisburg, Pennsylvania at 11:30 a.m. there time (3 hours later than us). Yes, we were all extremely tired. Angie got really sick in the last leg of the flight. I think the emotions and the whole up and down simply was too much. We got our luggage and picked up the rental car and we were off to the hotel room. Don't ask me how we got there, all I know is that the LORD was driving all the way. I thought my hubby was going to be able to drive, but there was some problems and I ended up having to drive (scream!!!). Somehow, every turn and every road we took was exactly the one we were supposed to be on. We arrived at the hotel, Angie took a shower and rested a little. She finally felt a little better, in fact, she got on the phone for one last call to her friend, Loyda. That call really lifted her spirits. Then we were off to the we go.

Charlotte, North Carolina

Here we are at our second layover, also of 3 hours. There was rocking chairs all over the place. There was cozy corners with a rocking chair next to a plant - really inviting. As we were walking to our other boarding gate, Angie said, "Ummmm, I'm really craving a juice." (she loves the 3G Energizer from Jamba Juice) Just then we came around a corner and guess what was there? Yes, a Jamba Juice! For me (Mom), this was such an awesome reminder of how God was totally in this. He is so personal. He will take care of even those things that we consider small and non-spiritual, because He cares about everything. When we saw Jamba Juice, Angie and I simply looked at each other and smiled - we knew!

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Phoenix Airport

Our first stop with a layover of 3 hours. Lots of time to talk and reminisce, and spend LOTS of money on food. You would think that we had steak, but it was just pizza. We all laughed at the ridiculous prizes, but o well.

Ontario International Airport

Here we are at the Ontario International Airport. My hubby and I were so thankful that the LORD allowed us and provided for us to be able to accompany our daughter to Pennsylvania. And, yes, Angie is all smiles because she has a COKE in her hands (she hasn't had caffeine for a while - long story:)

Sunday at Church

And, yes, she also wanted to play worship with the worship team one last time. Church was sweet, exept when the goodbyes came around. Once again, the love towards Angie is amazing.

Saturday, August 23, 2008

Saturday - Church Picnic

Saturday was our church's BBQ/Picnic. Angie, of course, wanted to go and say more goodbye's. She had a wonderful time - she was quite the little social butterfly, it was great to see her like this. In fact, she even played baseball. The picnic was done at 4:00 p.m., but we didn't get out of there until around 5:00 p.m. Once home Peggy came by to say her goodbye - so much love abounds towards Angie.

Friday, August 22, 2008


When we arrived at for worship practice I saw that there was lots of tables and chairs. Then I realized that the worship team had prepared a surprise going away get-together – AMAZING!

Much love was shown to me. Lots of food, fellowship and tears. They also prepared an incredible video where all the members got to say something to me – it touched me so much. Thank you to all who contributed and put this together, it was an incredible experience.

Moni, Lulu and Nancy came down the hill to visit us and spend some time with us. We also got to go to have some delicious pho noodles - although not all in the group had noodles, we all had a wonderful time. Thanks girls for coming down! We enjoyed our visit.

Tuesday, August 12, 2008


Mt. Zion is a Training School for World Evangelism

First Purpose - To teach the students who they are in Christ, and to develop an intimacy through prayer and worship, brokenness through the work of the Holy Spirit as He conforms them to Christ, obedience to the Word of God, and how to recognize His voice and walk in the Spirit of Christ.

Second Purpose - To train and thoroughly equip men and women to make disciples for Christ throughout the world.

Third Purpose - To send out those fully trained to make other disciples for Christ in the nation to which they are sent. The nationals will then spread the Gospel to their own people until the whole world is reached for Christ.

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Acceptance Letter

Dear Miss Ramirez,
Thank you for your application to attend Mt. Zion School of Ministry. I am pleased to inform you that you have been ACCEPTED for enrollment for the fall semester of 2008...

Thursday, February 14, 2008


Sent application to Mt. Zion School of Ministry