Saturday, October 10, 2009

Talked with Angie

I spoke with Angie on the phone - it never gets old to hear to my daughters voice, what a sweet sound to my ears. Anyway, Angie is doing very good. She is really tired, but as she says, "A good kind of tired from doing the LORD's work". She has been a busy-bee. She told me that she once again had to prepare a speech/devotional for her class and this time she did it on prayer. She said that, of course, the LORD spoke to her before she could even share anything with the class. She was encouraged and exhorted to spend more quiet time with her Maker and to intercede more for her family and friends. She encouraged me so much - thank you Jesus! She also had her first outing (they go shopping once a month) and she actually had a Starbuck's coffee - yumm! It's amazing how we can just take these kinds of things for granted. She said that she savored every sip. She says the weather is really nice and she is really enjoying what the LORD continues to speak to her and challenge her with. She sends her love and asks that you pray for her mid-terms. Mid-terms start October 19th. - they have begun to get ready for them. So greetings to all, much love and prayers from Angie.


Anonymous said...

Thanks for the update. It was nice hearing about the day to day at MZ again. I wrapped up my time at Mz last year and although, I didn't know Angie well, she seemed like a nice person and all the girls had nothing but nice things to say about her. MZ will always have a special place in the hearts of those who expereienced it. Thanks for the blog and pics. God Bless you, 8)

Leti said...

Dear Anonymous ~ thank you so much for your wonderful comment. It made me smile! Did you finish your three years or did the LORD lead you differently? May the LORD bless you too.