Monday, January 4, 2010

Back at Pennsylvania

After an incredible time of Christmas Vacation, Angie is back at Mt. Zion. She, once again, had some medical issues while home. At a family get together we laughed and joked about her body falling apart once she gets to California - Angie wasn't amused.
In it all, Angie knows that she is the LORD's, body, mind, soul and spirit. That whatever happens, it is for His glory and honor.
She left yesterday. She had flight delays, got sick on the second plane (she gets motion sickness), and had a loooooooooong lay over in Washington D.C. When I last spoke to her she was not feeling too good, but we once again laughed and said, "This is just another bump in the road. Man this road is really bumpy." She was probably not going to arrive at the school until around 11:00pm or later. I had no way of getting in contact with her or the school, but God gave me peace.
This morning I called the school and they verified that Angie was at the school and in class. I am so thankful for this.
So, as you can see, Angie's second year/second semester is starting out with a bang. This can only mean God is at work and will be glorified. Can't wait to see what He has in store for Angie.
Once again, thank you so much for your continual prayers.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I found this blog the other day and wanted to let you know that some of the moms of Mt. Zion students have a Facebook page. Just log on to FB and search for Mt. Zion Moms

Arlene Zawko (Susannah's mom)