Monday, December 1, 2008

Thanksgiving for Angie

Tuesday (11/25) – The whole school had a wonderful traditional thanksgiving meal with all the fixings. Afterward they had a wonderful time of fellowship and playing board games.

Wednesday (11/26) – everyone that was leaving the campus has left and it is pretty lonely around Mt. Zion. Those left behind also got pretty homesick. In the afternoon those left behind had a baking party. Angie said it was pretty fun.

Thursday (11/27) – Angie called while we were all cooking and she got to speak with several members of the family. We got to talk to her for 1 HOUR – yeah! She did get chocked up, but decided to not focus on the fact that she wasn’t here, but that she will be coming home soon. In the evening the students got to go to a staff member’s home to spend Thanksgiving with them and they got to eat all that they had baked the day before…yummy!

Friday (11/28) – Shopping!!! (Well, actually, window shopping:)

Saturday (11/29) – got to speak with Angie for an hour, AGAIN!!! She had bought herself a mug and some hot-cocoa-packets and would be enjoying a mug of hot cocoa – yummy!!! She said she was actually enjoying having this down time and having her room to herself – he! he!

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