Monday, December 15, 2008

Prayer Request

So the week begins for Angie with all the finals and the papers that are due. This morning she had a play that a group of the students put together for their Children's Evangelism Class - they are to put a play/skit together as if they would be sharing it with children. She asked for prayer for so much "stuff" she has to memorize, starting with this play and for Thursday she has to memorize, I believe she said twenty Scriptures - just pray for her mind to retain and memorize tons of information, and of course to be able to recall the information to take the tests. Also, pray for favorable weather when all the students will be traveling and for safety in their trips home...thank you.

Counting the days...I mentioned to Angie, "Hey, Angie next week you will be home." She responded, "No, Mom, I will be home in five days." - so who is counting days:)

1 comment:

Laura said...

That is a lot to memorize!! I'll keep praying!