Saturday, November 21, 2009

Fall in Mt. Zion

Change of season and change of weather - it all comes with the territory. The students at Mt. Zion have passed through the middle point of this semester and are now heading for the finish line. At this point, though, there is weariness, tiredness, discouragement, home sickness - Please pray that everyone at Mt. Zion would be uplifted and refreshed so that they can all finish with enthusiasm and joy. Also, this week will be Thanksgiving, however, not many of the students get to be home with their families, hence there is loneliness and sadness. Please pray that they would enjoy Thanksgiving with an attitude of gratefulness and joy, in spite of being away from home. Pray for those families that this will be their first Thanksgiving without their son or their daughter. Thank you all for your continual prayers and visits to this Blog.

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