Saturday, January 3, 2009

Back in Pennsylvania

Angie came and went too quickly...

God truly was in her trip here and back...thank you all for your prayers. From school she was able to ride with 4 other girls to the airport. They were able to keep each other company and they split the cost of the taxi - yeah! Her trip here, other than being extremely tiring, was smooth and uneventful. There was a 3 hour delay, but could have been worse.

Going back was hard. She absolutely loved being home (even with all the events happening around here). She enjoyed seeing family and friends - thank you all who made time to see her and spend time with her. She, however, knew that God's plan was that she go back to finish what has been started.

We arrived at the airport and thought we would have to say goodbye at the security gate, however, this wonderful Continental Airlines employee gave my husband and I security clearance and we were able to go with Angie to the waiting area. We stayed with her until she boarded her plane (this was extremely difficult for me). My husband and I left the airport very quiet and prayerful.

Angie called us on Sunday from School - THANK YOU JESUS!

Her flight to her first stop was very scary. She said there was a lot of turbulence, she was so scared she could cry. Finally, they arrived at their stop. She had a 5 hour lay over. She later realized that she was at the wrong gate and almost lost her connecting flight to Harrisburg. She realized it and ran to the right gate and did not miss her flight. Here she found a fellow Mt. Zion student - how good is that!? She was able to fly from here to Harrisburg with someone she knew and she did not have to take a taxi alone to school...God is so good!

So she is back at Mt. Zion. Pray that all the students get back into what God has for them. That their excitement reignites and that they finish well.

Thank you all for your prayers for Angie's traveling and now continue to pray for her at school.

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